Why Should I Study in India?

Course/Major Available: 

Medicine, Dentistry, Designing, Travel Tourism, Hospitality, Buddhist Studies, Social Work, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language, Yoga, Sport, Dietics and Nutrition, Bio Technology, Bio Science, Pharmacy, Law, Education, Engineering (180 Specialities), IT and Computer Science (dozens of specialities), Languages (around 44 languages), Health and Para Medical Course (around 40 specialities), Traditional & Alternative Medical Courses (dozen of specialities), Education (dozen of courses), Agriculture (dozen specialities), Accounts, Administration and Management (dozens of specialities), Commerce (hundreds of specialities), all Arts Subjects (thousands of specialities), Science (thousands of specialities/majors).

Level/Training Available: 

Study Levels: Certificate / Diploma / Bachelor / P.G. Certificate / P.G. Diploma / Master / M.Phil. / Ph.D/ / Post Doctorate / Others.


Training Levels: Certificate / Diploma / English Language Course / Others.


And Also: Memberships / Fellowships among many others.

Mode of Study: 

         Regular (Full Time),

         Part Learning,

         Distance Learning,


         Private Studies,


         Through Research,

         Fellowship / Membership,



University/Colleges Available: 

Hundreds of Universities and Thousand of Colleges all over India, at all major cities and at almost all important Academic Destinations. (Indonesian Students are mostly in New Delhi, Aligarh, Agra, Pune, Roorkee, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc).

Kind of Accommodation Available in India: 

Universities & Colleges (Hostels/Dormitories) , Paying Guest Accommodations, Private Hostels, Private Accommodations.


The most common and most popular accommodation in India is the last one, i.e. Renting Private Accommodation in Residential Areas (Range Rp. 500.000 – Rp. 1.600.000).


Financial Reasons: 

– Very “Reasonable” Fee Structure (Mostly it is cheaper than Indonesian Univ.)

– Very “Moderate and Affordable” Living Expenses ( +/- Rp. 1.200.000 )

– Very “Affordable” Books and Study Materials ( Discount for Student 20%-50%)

– Very “Affordable” Transport Systems (Free for Student who has a “Bus Card”)

Admission & Academic Reasons:

         High standard of Education and International Recognition;

         English Medium (The Language of the Millennium);

         Availability of almost all course /Majors and Sub-specialities at all levels through almost all modes of studies;

         Specialized and Rare Educational Opportunities;

         Well Qualified Teachers (minimum requirement to be a teacher is Dr. or Ph.D);

         Duration of Bachelor Degree in most Courses is only Three years and Ph.D. is Two to Three years;

         India has more than 345 Universities / Academic Institutions and more than 18.000 Colleges / Institutes, teaching more than 16.000 different Courses.

Social, Political and Other Reasons:

         Diversity in Culture and Religions;

         Economic and Political Stability;

         Easy Visa, either from Indian Embassy or Indonesian Embassy;

         No Discrimination on Religion, Culture or Colors grounds;

         Availability of all kinds of climates to suit the requirements of all students, such as summer, winter (snow in North India), autumn, etc.

         Much closer geographically and culturally to most Indonesian students, only 6 to 8 hours from

         The biggest Democracy in the World.

What After Graduation:

         Foreign Students graduating from India will have the strength of the English Medium Education and that will make them stand tall and strong among others in this competitive world.

         The Foreign student graduating from India with different Religions, Languages and different Cultures will become an international man, which is the main requirement of the millennium since the world is becoming one country.

         After graduating from India, Foreign Student can put what they learn into practical use in
Indonesia because we are developing countries or the third world countries.

         Very well recognized International Education System around the World.

         Regional & International Education Hub.

         Second largest Education System in the World

         The Seventh Largest Industrial Economy in the World

         High Standard of Education and International Recognition

         Twenty Five Million Indian and people of Indian origin are working and living abroad, many of them with High Qualifications; they are the Teachers, Nurses, Programmers, Designers, Doctors, Engineers, Scientists etc.

         A look at local Newspaper Advertisements will show that Americans, Europeans and Japanese as well as others are desperate to recruit Indian Engineers, Teachers, Scientists, Doctors and Nurses etc. And on many occasions they have changed their Immigration rules to accommodate Indian Professionals and Academicians etc.

         Indian Educated Engineers dominated Silicon Valley. In 2001 more than 40% of the venture capital funded technology start up Companies in Silicon Valley had at least one Indian Founder.

         More than 15% Teaching Faculties in US Universities have their under graduate degree from India and perhaps more than that in UK.

         More than 15% of Physician in America is Indians and perhaps much more in UK.

         The biggest Companies in America are having a big chunk of Indians; 25% of NASA Employees are India Qualified, 23% of Microsoft Employees are Indian Qualified, 26% of IBM Employees are India Qualified and 17% of Intel Employees are India Qualified.

         One of the greatest Engineering Monumental structure in the World is Taj Mahal which has been built by Indians centuries ago.

         India has manufactured Atom Bomb, Airplanes, and Indians have reached the space.

Source: TAEC India


Picture Note: Indonesian Student Association in India (PPI India) went to Manali (one of Himalaya Valleys) for Winter Tour 2007.

24 Responses

  1. kalau mau kuliah di IIM bangalore bagaimana caranya ?? apa yang harus saya persiapkan , teriamkasih

  2. hellOO teman2…..

    Klau q mw Kulia di India bagian IT apa yang harus gw lakukan????
    gw BingGunG banget ni….
    Nanti Klo Plajaran Matematika na Ada pa ga????
    paKe BahasA iNGGris la Yaaa????
    Sory Ya SebetulNya IT itu apaan SiH?????
    oh yA 1 more, Plesae Beri tau Gw WEBSITE2 sluruh universitas yang ada di India yg Lo smua KetAhui………

    pLEase Gw MohoN bAnget Ama LO Smua pLEasE jaWab PertANyaaan Gw ini………


    i’m waiting 4 ur answere GuyS….

    C u In My Email BoX…hehehehe…….

    Moso mo kuliah IT ga tau apa arti IT?
    IT means Information Technology
    Ada pasti pelajaran matematiknya
    Ya iyalah pake bhs inggris..masa pake sunda
    Ketik aja di mr Google biar ga repottt nyarinya….


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  4. i have completed M.A Islamic Studies,now i want to do Phd in same.Plz tell about universities where i can do Phd ,having financial assistance durig study

  5. I would like to see a continuation of the topic

  6. teman2 yang kul di india ato yang prnah kul di india tolong ceritain keadaan, lingkungan kampus dan lingkungan masarakat di sana apa kendala utamanya, budaya atau bahsa ? trus ongkos hidup di sana per bulan brapa? biaya kul yang murah untuk teknik S1/ D3? please tell me about fee or send a fee table in my e-mail: utam_rus@yahoo.com. cause i sngat butuh perbandingan biaya hemat belajar di luar dan dalam negeri. thanks be fore ma brother

  7. Ujian masuk Universitas2 di India/tahun ajaran barunya kapan ya?

  8. Univ/ college yg bagus ITnya apa aja sih???
    Ada gak yg buka pendaftaran sekitar bulan Juli atau agustus gitu???
    Beda college ma univ apa sih???

  9. saya mau ngelanjut S2 Hubungan Internasional. kira2 Universitas yang bagus untuk jurusan tersebut di India apa ya?
    mohon bantuannya.terimakasih.

  10. mo tanya fellowship di sir gangga hospital tuk neuroendovascular saat ni dari indonesia siapa ya?

  11. hi
    i want to admication

  12. memangnya rumas sakit mana di india yang bagus buat belajar neuroendovascular? apakah hanya terbatas buat radiologi, atau bisa juga buat neurosurgeon? bagaimana caranya?

  13. Mohon informasinya bagaimana agar saya bisa mendapatkan beasiswa untuk kuliah di India,,saya sangat tertarik untuk meneruskan kuliah disana,saya ingin kuliah di bidang teknik sipil,saat ini saya sedang bekerja disebuah perusahaan kontraktor.Mohon bantuannya,terimakasih atas informasinya,

    informasinya sudah ada di kolom beasiswa, silahkan dibaca.. salam

  14. Sy tertarik melanjutkan s2 jur hukum pidana diindia?
    Tlg bgt diinfo ke sy berapa kira2 budget yg hrs sy persiapkan?

  15. Very informative post!
    There are various study mode and options available in India with Hundreds of Universities and Thousand of Colleges all over India. The Foreign student graduating from India with different Religions, Languages and different Cultures will become an international man, which is the main requirement of the millennium since the world is becoming one country.
    That is why, Every year a large number of foreign students take flights to India from various global destinations to study in India.

  16. klau bleh .
    bsakah ksh info ttg beasisw s1 farmasi k email sya ?
    sya sgt brhrap mndpat beasiswa study s2 farmasi di india .
    sya jga pny ltar blkg lulusan smk farmasi .
    ap perlu mnyiapkan cv ??
    apkh hrs toefl??
    krna trllu mahal .
    trima ksh bntuan ny .
    mhn di balas

  17. apa ya bedanya kuliah jurusan medical science di indo and jurusan ayurvedic di india???

  18. even india has some help if you want to study there, in the other side be prepare to clean everything, so much new parasites for your body.

  19. untuk s1 di india bagai mana? apakah di india ada 2 gelar.. sya berminat s1 di india mengambil dua gelar yaitu akutansi dan manajement.. tolong infonya ya. makasih

  20. kalo boleh tau…kalo apply beasiswa kuliah di india ….disana kita harus belajar serius or strict gak?please reply….

  21. Please have a look at this great guidebook ‘Study in India – A Guide by Knowledge Must’, which is available for free download from http://www.knowledge-must.com/guidebooks.

    Life for international students will be so much easier once they figured out the logistical requirements and the Indian cultural environment. In addition to answering the most pressing questions, the guide features valuable insights ranging from logistics such as visa procedures and accommodation arrangements to cultural background information and inspiration for how to spend one’s leisure time.

  22. Greetings!
    We are writing from TAEC India, a government approved educational consultancy company. If any kinds of assistance required from Indonesian students, embassy, universities etc , we will be able to help in(Arranging admissions all over India, Educational consultancy, educational joint ventures, teachers recruitments etc) we can be contacted at this email : taecindia@hotmail.com

  23. aslm. terimaskih ats infonya, saya sangat ingin kuliah s2 di india, say ingin mengambil jurusan master pendidikan bahasa inggris, say skrg sudah menjadi guru bahasa inggris di international islamic senior high school di bengkulu, saya mohon info nya mengenai biaya study dan biaya hidup mahasiswa dari asing seperti saya indonesia ke india? apakash ada beasiswa bagi orang yang sudah pernah mengajar di sma dan menjadi salah satu dosen universitas swasta di bengkulu seperti saya? sya mohon info nya lebih lanjut..! jika ada website yang lebih lengkap tentang JNU dan Jamia milia Islamia? mohon di bls. terimakasih

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