Rekomendasi Konferensi International Pelajar Indonesia 2007



Sydney, 8-9 September 2007 

Setelah melakukan konferensi selama dua hari, kami peserta Konferensi Internasional Pelajar Indonesia (KIPI) 2007  bersepakat untuk membuat jejaring PPI se-dunia melalui pembentukan media interaksi dan komunikasi, di antaranya dengan pembuatan situs (website) dan senarai surat elektronik (mailing list) dalam rangka membentuk Jejaring Organisasi Pelajar Indonesia di Luar Negeri (Overseas Indonesian Students Associations Alliance) yang terbuka untuk seluruh organisasi pelajar Indonesia di luar negeri. 


Setelah mencermati kondisi bangsa Indonesia dalam membangun kemampuan dan daya saing, maka kami merekomendasikan kepada pemerintah Republik Indonesia hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1.      Memetakan dan mendayagunakan aset intelektual, profesional, dan komunitas Indonesia di luar negeri melalui pembentukan Global Networking Indonesia sebagaimana yang telah dilakukan oleh negara-negara berkembang lainnya seperti Cina dan India.

2.      Mengoptimalkan potensi tenaga professional, terdidik, dan terlatih Indonesia serta mempromosikannya pada pasar kerja luar negeri dengan cara bekerja sama dengan negara lain.

3.      Membebaskan fiskal bagi seluruh pelajar yang akan melanjutkan pendidikan ke luar negeri.

4.      Menyediakan skema pinjaman lunak dan beasiswa untuk menunjang partisipasi mahasiswa Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikan baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.

5.      Menjamin dan memfasilitasi penyediaan buku pendidikan yang berkualitas dengan harga yang terjangkau.

6.      Memperbesar alokasi dana riset dan pengembangan di perguruan tinggi dan instansi   pemerintah secara kompetitif.

7.      Merealisasikan anggaran pendidikan 20% dari APBN melalui pengelolaan yang efektif dan metode perhitungan yang transparan.

8.      Mengintensifkan upaya diplomasi dan membuat kebijakan strategis untuk meningkatkan beasiswa dari negara-negara sahabat dan perusahaan-perusahaan swasta.

9.      Mempermudah proses akreditasi ijazah perguruan tinggi luar negeri yang diakui dengan mendelegasikan prosesnya kepada atase pendidikan atau pejabat yang berwenang di Kantor Perwakilan Republik Indonesia di luar negeri.  

Sydney, 9 September 2007

Atas nama peserta Konferensi Internasional Pelajar Indonesia (KIPI) 2007 

Ketua Panitia KIPI 2007

Casey Entoma

PPI – India                                           PPI Australia                                        PPI Italia

PPI Malaysia                                        PPMI Mesir                                         PPI Belanda 

Peserta Mahasiswa Jepang 

Keterangan Foto: Delegasi PPI Mancanegara berfoto bersama (ki-ka), M. Iqbal (Malaysia), Angela (Belanda), Berly M. (Italy), Talqis (Mesir), Dian (India), Faiz (India), dan Deddy (LIPI).



 By Lukman Nul Hakim

Self talk is a conversation which take place in your mind, it is between you and your self, it is all the comments ‘you’ raise to your self. We are actually very much close with self talk, as we do it all the time. For example when you see a beautiful girl, you will say (in your mind) ‘Oh my God, elle est tres jollie..’, or when you read your exam paper, you will say “’s too difficult, I think I’ll flunk on this subject’, or before giving a speech you will say, ‘I will charm the audience with my words..’, and so forth.

When you are in dilemma, confuse, forced to make a giant decision or about to perform something (especially in front of public), then what you say to your self play a big role in your ability to solve the problematic situation and performance. If positive self talk come to your mind, then you can think clearly, you will be able to perform well, and contrary if it’s negative self talk came out, you will perform under stress, and of course the result will not be optimum.

Positive and Negative Self Talk
There are two kinds of self talk, namely Positive Self Talk (PST) and Negative Self Talk (NST). PST is supporting by nature, it is the willing to accomplish something, the willing to overcome obstacles, to increase self regard. Meanwhile NST is the opposite, it is unsupporting, the willing to stay in ‘safe’ condition.

Why Some People Have Positive Self Talk, While Some Others Negative?
It is energize by self confidence. Those self confidence people they view this world positively, challenging, have to be conquer. And if we ask where these confidence come from? Then it is rooted from your childhood. How your first environment (parents, maid, sibling, teachers, television, etc) treat you, educate you, show you, all play a big role in shaping your mind. They influence how you think about your self, how you think about this world. So, parents be careful..!!

Do You Tend to Have Positive or Negative Self Talk?
Basically we have positive and negative self talk, but it you quantify, which one has bigger proportion? Which one tend to come up more frequently? The more one is thus your tendency. Which one are you??

For The Positive Self Talker, congratulations!! You are on the right track, conquer this world, reach the optimum level of your capability!! For The (present) Negative Self Talker, congratulation that you have read this article!! Now you know your self better, now you know where you can start to improve your self from!! From now on, when you get up from sleep, the first thing come to your mind will be : Life is Beautiful, I’ll do my best in everything today, I’ll conquer this day!!

The Magic words:
.: When you are not sure about your ability to do something, then say to your self
“If other people can do it, so I must be able to do it too!!”